Yea I know. I'm preaching to the choir here. Can I help it if this is one of my top all time favorite albums? (no kidding!)
For those of you who don't know (yea, right) Jellyfish was the quintessential MODERN Power Pop band. This album from 1992 defined a sound and left a benchmark for other lover's of Beatles cum Brian Wilson (with a touch of Queen and XTC thrown in) guitar driven melodic rock and roll that has not been reached often enough for my taste.
Members Roger Manning Jr. (keyboard wizard), Jason Faulkner (guitar genius also known for his work with The Caulfields) and most importantly lead vocalist (and drummer!) Andy Sturmer who produced The Merrymaker's Bubblegun (but that's another blog entry!).
I had the unique pleasure of seeing them and was amazed to discover that they sounded even better live! Andy had his drums set up at the front edge of the stage, sang every song and played all of those fantastic drum fills WHILE STANDING! Astounding!
So click on the pic to download the zipped folder, Bellybutton. A Power Pop CLASSIC!
So I am hoping you will be slightly influenced by this band when doing the mixing/production work on the new Buddy Love CD, right?
That's a tall order. We'll do our best.
Well, JellyFish did blow my mind the first time that I heard them in a record store. Do you remember record stores?
Dave The BoogieMan
11L-Radio New York International
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