Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Rehearsal with Scott

After getting Scott acquainted with my wife and kids went right to work. (BTW, Shadow totally approves of Scott, a good omen!)

In between detailing songs we dished about mutual musical acquaintances (just like school girls) and decided we were a mutual admiration society! One big decision: Don't need another guitarist however possibly a keyboard? (Steve came up) but still plenty of time before the PowerPop Festival in March to decide...

I played Scott tons of stuff I've written in the past few years and he REALLY LIKES "Idle Hands" (me too) as well as some others. There's still plenty of regular Buddy Love stuff to do, but I'm glad he and Joey are so into my new material, FINALLY SOMEONE WHO'LL LISTEN TO IT!!!

Got Scott on the 12:28 train back to Manhattan and then watched Heroes (which i recorded on my DVR the day before, GREAT SHOW!)

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