Wednesday, February 27, 2008

IPO Liverpool

It's been a whole month since I've known this and I can't believe that I forgot to mention such an important fact until now but without further fanfare, here's the news; After our successful appearance at the International Pop Overthrow in NYC last October, David Bash (IPO Director) has invited us to appear at IPO Liverpool which is scheduled for this coming May at the legendary Cavern Club!

For those who don't know (all three of you) The Beatles were the house band at the Cavern in their formative years before they took that ferry cross the Mersey to worldwide fame and fortune (How Rutles!)

Please don't misunderstand, I'm not announcing our impending appearance, I'm just reporting that we've been invited. The invitation alone is quite an honor and actually appearing would be fantastic but of course there are other considerations (=$) which we're still trying to work out...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The kids had off last week so my attention was on them, (naturally). But now (thankfully) they are back in school and I can concentrate on what's really important, MY BLOG!

Speaking of which, here I am, typing away with not that much to report except the mundane; We've been working up some new material that sounds GREAT! By new I mean new to the current members of the band when in fact some of these songs date back to 1982. "Dead Ringer" from the yellow album is one and the boys have made it their own. "Almost in Tears", a song I wrote about five years ago is sounding great too. Scott has (as usual) come up with a melodic and catchy bass line for it and it all came together VERY FAST for a song that went from acoustic demo to full band in about two rehearsals. We rediscovered a few nuggets from 1980; "Tell Me" and Toy Soldier" both from our 1980 set!

There are many new songs demos (and by new, I mean new to the band) that we are sorting through and when the dust settles we should have enough material for two completely different sets (or enough to shake up our set at will). In fact! enough for another album!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Teaser for Tony's documentary

Tony Harding of THEM TV has been filming the band for well over a year now and has shown us snippits of film here and there, but finally he has a working "teaser" for the documentary which I am happy to present here...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

CD Baby and iTunes

We actually had to send CDBaby more disks cause they are actually selling the damn things! All three CD's are pretty much even (with the Yellow Album just slightly in the lead) however I noticed in the past few days that Now and Then is picking up steam, YAY!

On the other hand the band has been miscategorized on iTunes as COUNTRY! Wow! Talk about crossing genre lines! And to make matters worse, some bonehead over at Apple wrote a review for Buddy Collette's new JAZZ! CD and placed it on the Buddy Love Now and Then page! MASS CONFUSION ALL OVER THE PLACE! Hopefully these issues will be ironed out soon and in any case I'm just happy to have these things in the market and actually (there's that word again) being sold.